FilmOn Case Study
FilmOn is a fictional streaming provider, that offers a "Premium" plan for 19.99 € per month and a Premium PLUS plan for 24.99 €.
FilmOn has different subscription models:
- Typically there is a free trial with no initial charge (Vault Only).
- In their Premium Plus plan the first month is discounted. The customer is charged on checkout and at the same time their funding instrument is saved (Checkout with vault)
- On top customers can book "pay per view" events. Existing customers pay with one click. (subsequent Checkout)
- Vault Only - Subscription with no initial charge
The user subscribes with no initial charge. The account / card is later charged by the merchant according to the plan (MIT)
- Checkout with Vault - Subscription with initial charge
Typically a user pays a service and saves his account / card for a future 1 click user experience (CIT) and/or subscription (MIT).
- Subsequent Checkout
A user returns for a subsequent checkout. The shop presents his saved account / card during checkout. User can checkout without entering their details again (CIT).
- Payment Indicators >>>